
Why I decided to make porn films

After turning 18, I began to crave authenticity and a sense of purpose. I started raising a lot of questions about life, sex and love, especially after going through an intense process of studying and understanding human sexuality. It was a tough couple of years, with lots of overthinking stuff. An exciting version of me would be constantly challenging my more traditional parts, and I felt like I had a lot to say about all that – just didn’t know how.

All my live I loved cinema. I loved how life looked on screen, and how a movie was an open window to an infinitude of feelings and emotions. At the time, cinema was my way of living things I never thought I would in real life. But filmmaking would often feel like an untouchable dream; something out of my league. I knew if I wanted to succeed I would have to go against the world in many ways – still, that was what I wanted.

My early days, filming Eloi & Biel: Little resources, lots of doubts, an unstoppable idea. Watch Eloi & Biel

Throughout my years in the university, I would

apply what I was learning about scripts, characters, and filmmaking into everything I liked: music, video clips, arts, literature, and of course, cinema projects. At that time my relationship with porn was pretty normal and I had never thought of it in a complex way. I just remember seeing sex and thinking “I wish I could see the sex as part of the story in regular films, as well. That would be nice”.

I was still a student when I got hired by feminist porn director Erika Lust. I was going to edit her indie porn short films. On my very first day, she took me out to lunch – it’s her tradition to go for lunch with new coworkers. We talked about movie directors, aesthetic references and mainstream porn, and about how money wasn’t enough. For us, making pornography was a way of subverting a system that needed a change. It was artistic, but also political. Those few hours of talk made me realize that, for me, shooting porn films became less of a job, and more of a social tool for expression. Finally, I was in control of my purpose.

A few years went by and I decided to start making my very own gay erotic films. At every new title I think of a different question to explore: sadness, loneliness, the nature of human relationships. Basically anything that would drive any good scripts, only with some explicit sex added. Because I believe there are so many relevant things surrounding sex, that they make for some great pieces of cinema. And also, because: why not?

At the screening of Call Me a Ghost, this year in Paris. Watch Call Me a Ghost

So here is why I make porn:

Porn makes possible to work freely on my own projects

Learning to make a good script, producing quality storytelling for short films, actually shooting a cinema movie… all that takes practice, money, and a lot of time. Making porn gave me means to finance my personal projects from moment one, before I even thought of making a name for myself. Thanks to porn and to a little bit of bravery that I managed to put together, I got the freedom I needed to start my career in my very own way.

I saw a way of making things different

It always bothered me the way cinema would ignore sexual moments. It would depict it as an empty void, something left unsaid, and sometimes even used to describe the personality of the character in a weak or unfavorable way. That was not how I saw sex. I used to imagine scenes on which sex would play a different role in the story, without dark stigmas, with more time, intensity, and beauty. I wanted to take sex scenes beyond. Cinema is about life, and sex is a big part of it, so all I want is to bring them together in an artistic, conceptual way.

Finding beauty in a pornographic film

When thinking about porn, most people think of something dirty or to make fun of. Pornography is often the taboo that people tend to associate with the wrong, the forbidden, the undignified. But even if that’s the case for a type of pornography, it doesn’t define eroticism and for sure doesn’t limit the horizons of pornography. Making pleasant things with sex, and finding human beauty on places people would not see it feels deeply satisfying for me. It’s my favorite form of intellectual pleasure.

To help demystifying sex

Why are we so conservative about sex? This is something I can’t understand (I even spoke about this on my defense of sex workers rights). Most people seem to think that sex is either something you do with the one you love, or something secret to be done under furtive circumstances. Don’t tell anyone, don’t show anyone.  It might not be what you think, but isn’t that how you live your sex life? How much of that come from religion? How much of that come from concepts we no longer agree with? Why are such archaic laws still overruling our orgasms?

This questions come alive often, specially when I receive letters and messages from people who watch my films. They are normally relieved for having their inner desires set free, instead of labeled. There is still a long way for us to go when it comes to living human sexuality.

My natural impetus to diverge

Taking life as it is and letting go of the things we don’t like can sound cute, but to me the real fun is in confronting what sparks our minds. Porn is one of those things; it’s fascinating how it raises questions at the same time as it breaks rules. And I hope to continue doing it this way for as long as it makes sense – to me, and to others who think like me.

Collection pack with full access to 10 short films! Buy now for 39.95€

  1. Vishnu

    It’s absolutely beautiful and inspiring to know the reasons for your interest in making porn. It is well known that most of the porn films try to keep love and sex apart, with almost no story. It is great that you bring a new perspective to gay erotic films by portraying subtle human emotions other than sex and keeping it so natural and extremely artistic with a concept. I believe all of us feel it is a much needed process in the evolution of pornography.

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