
“Straight Men Gay Porn” and other stats that define us a lot

After a few days of shooting – there’s a new film coming soon and it has Bishop Black in it, so you know it’s gonna be wild – I’m back with some pretty insightful info for us to comment on.

Have you seen Pornhub stats on Gay Porn from this year? They did a data dive in honor of Gay Pride Month and for the first time ever they focused their research in people looking for gay porn that’s exclusively non lesbian – that is, with two or more men active on the fucking.

The first info didn’t really break my brains: 37% of the watchers revealed to be women. I mentioned it briefly in my post on what gay porn could learn from feminist porn, and I’m pretty sure it has to do with the fact that, better or worse, gay porn always escape from that horrible misogyny that rules the mainstream pornography that sexualizes women and don’t give a damn about their pleasure. Which makes that percentage pretty understandable.

What really shocked me (ok I might be overreacting a little here) is the high rates of searches in the “straight guys” category. Yep, lots of people want to see videos of “straight” men having sex with other straight men, which got me wondering: are you guys into that? Or is that another sign of the reticence still found by those who are clearly into it but still too deep inside the closet?

Other stats also woke up the sociologist in me. Young people’s fav category is Japanese, while 65+ gay men are all about “massage”. Possibly the cutest thing in the entire report.

Now real talk here: 35’s people are really into “groups”. Ever since Trivia i’ve been thinking a lot about how can sex life become better and better for long-term couples and now I realize – is that a contemporary dilemma of all of us liquid society human beings?

Tomorrow NEW RELEASE on my site. Trivial by #noelalejandro Watch a trailer (link in bio)

Una publicación compartida de Noel Alejandro (@noelalejandrox) el

Watch Trivial HERE

Last but not least: “big dick” shows in very low numbers, or it doesn’t show at all. Is that people realizing that there’s more in porn than a huge member detached from the body? Big win everyone.

Full report is here, but for some more interesting fun you may want to go here.

  1. Richard Howard

    I really hate gay for pay actors I want to see gay porn stars

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