Sagat, a young farmer, heads to a cemetery in the middle of the night. The next morning, a mysterious man is found sitting in Sagat’s living room. Who is he? What ties them together? Why is he there, and for how long?

Now available for streaming and digital download!

Unlock unlimited access to all films, with exclusive versions and behind-the-scenes content available only through a subscription—not with individual downloads. Additional content will be added regularly.”

  • Director: Noel Alejandro
  • Cast: Pierre Emö & Brandon Jones
  • Year: 2024
  • Length: 56 minutes
  • Language: English with subtitles in EN & SP


  1. ivanmatthieu

    Unusual but brillant

  2. BILLIE (verified owner)

    Wonderful! Superb! Deep existential themes, treated with the necessary ambiguity and double meaning. This film surely marks a new phase of the erotic genre in world cinema.

  3. Joseph Jeanney

    The film was OK but having to pay an addition $21.90 to download it after paying almost $200 for a full membership is outrageous.

  4. hunghot86 (verified owner)

    Have to be honest, I didn’t really like this.

  5. MatheusLgw

    so sinister lol loved it tho

  6. Midlan775

    Congrats, Noel! another story realized with your distinctive style..

  7. Clarincee

    <3 <3 <3

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