A fictional story is never as good as a real one: the waking up, the commute, a corny choice to name a boat on which to travel. The little things that make us who we are. After chatting for 18 months, Isaak and Sabbah dive into a conversation about life, dreams and fears, on a non-fictional short film that shows how intimacy can happen for two strangers – who are not really strangers, after all. 

Bedtime Stories – The Series

Brainchild of the Noel Alejandro project, Bedtime Stories is an ongoing series of ten to 20 minutes long episodes focused on the beauty of intimacy. Each new film combines one thought-provoking opening and the usual sophisticated filmography to create stories that are new, intimately inspiring, and visually appealing.

Blissing Deal was filmed and edited in Berlin. Directed by Noel Alejandro. 

Read: Introducing Bedtime Stories

Unlock unlimited access to all films, with exclusive versions and behind-the-scenes content available only through a subscription—not with individual downloads. Additional content will be added regularly.”

  • Director: Noel Alejandro
  • Cast: Isaak Rion & Sabah
  • Year: 2020
  • Length: 17 minutes
  • Language: english


  1. Sergio Carod

    Noel, intento hacer una compra y requiero mejor el link de pago de paypal porque me pide tarjeta y no quiero pagar con crédito, para eso ya tengo euros en la cuenta.
    Mi usuario es scarod y pedí el pack bedtime stories y luego lo cacelé.
    Espero el link de pago así completo la orden, generamos una nueva o me dirás vos cómo hacer.



    • noelalejandro

      Hola! Link enviado 🙂

  2. Krandall Kraus

    Re: Mr. Goodwin’s comment. If you make a list of all the adult gay films in the world, paste it to a wall and throw a dart at it you will inarguably land on what you are looking for, but films like Mr. Alejandro’s are one in 10,000,000. He is producing art that millions of gay and bi men are starving for. Please don’t ask him to replicate what we have been forced to watch for decades. His films give us an artistic expression of real life and real human engagement without making it hardcore gay pornography or sexual scenes where men fuck under the blankets or with one knee bent to hide the genitals. It’s SO refreshing and represents live situations that include naked bodies and sex the way most of us experience it: intellectual and emotional engagement AND sexual engagement as well. Thanks and kudos to Mr. Alejandro and his colleagues!

  3. Bruce Mayhall Rastrelli

    Guten Tag, Noel.

    I have the first of the Bedtime Stories, but not Blissful and Dear Father. Is there a package price for two rather than three?

    Thanks. I love the films

  4. Damien

    Just watched the trailer. One of the men used the term “Queer” to describe the other. The use of the word Queer is still offensive to millions. That has never changed despite what a small group of gay activists say. The majority of LGBT people still find the word offensive, insulting, degrading, embarrassing, and disrespectful. It is never acceptable.

  5. Ray T Goodin

    Can or will you create a movie, that isn’t so how can I say this, so drawn out. I love having sex with men, but we do not go through all the phases, that I see in your films. I love your work, please dont get me wrong, but there are men who just know what they want and are extremely masculine and comfortable in their own skin. I fell like women are writing these sex scenes, although connection is key, I am just felling like some men don’t even kiss and well, can you be more hardcore and less passive! I don’t feel there is a variety. It all seems like the same scene, talk, talk, talk, kiss, suck and blah blah blah. If you have seen the movie L’Acrobat, that’s how men have sex too. Again; I love your work. This is just my opinion of watching all of the films.
    Thank you

  6. Rswain17

    Please send download

  7. GandalfGraurock (verified owner)

    Wonderful, how these two erotic men have sex, unite, how they both moan with pleasure, surrender to the play of the bodies. You wish it would never end.

  8. JI YONG HEO (verified owner)

    actually when I click the payment on epoch page. and then next page shows error massage : your purchasing is not processed, so tired once again but still shows that error massage. funny thing is my mobile bank app pop up the 2 notifications and showed me I payed twice $9.59 to epoch. so I called epoch customer service and solved problem. and now I can download this nice movie !

  9. asterion

    Please send me the Paypal request! Epoch does not work.
    Thank you!

  10. James Groves

    Please send me the Paypal request

    Thank you

  11. gtorresini

    Is there a deal for people who have previously ordered the “All My Films” package?

  12. Andy

    Hola me encanta este tipo de material, los felicito por el trabajo, me gustaría saber para cuando van a incluir los subtítulos en español, gracias un saludo.

  13. James Groves

    I would like to order films, how do I pay for them. I have paypal

    Thank you,

    James Groves

    • noelalejandro

      Epoch includes Paypal, but if you cant still access then, please, let me know and I’ll send you a Paypal request 🙂

  14. Ghiij887C

    May I purchase on disc?

  15. Jake Fond

    Where can I find them, instagram ?

  16. Lime45

    Gorgeous! Simply beautiful and hot. XXX

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