
Cyrill is an amazing person and a talented dancer. He starred in Doing Elliot as a one-time-only experience in the erotic world, along with his partner. We often hang out after spontaneous encounters in the streets of Berlin.

Performs in the films

  1. Terry Cushman

    This is my favorite Noel Alejandro film. I watch it repeatedly and it’s my go-to while going solo.

  2. mark curtis

    indeed very sensual work both of you

  3. Michael S

    Loved his performance, another hot performer!

  4. Adrian Sandeson

    Great film, beautiful actor, hope to see more of him….

  5. thomasfhurley

    Cyril is beautiful. I’m hard pressed to think of anyone so full of sexual energy and charisma. I can’t get him out of my mind. I’m truly transfixed.

  6. Benoit Cavalieri

    Magnifique énergie, bravo et merci!

  7. Nathanael Miller

    Cyril was an amazing performer. Granted being with his partner helped create a wonderful chemistry, but he still projects warmth, sincerity, humor, and even a sense of mirth. I very much hope to see him change his mind and perform more n the future. He is a joy to watch!

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