
“It’s important for me that people my age are seen in positive roles, enjoying and having fulfilling sex lives.”

Youth is the holy grail of our society, with people spending fortunes trying to look younger and younger. And then there’s the exceptions, like Jorge Alberto, someone who challenges the norm and celebrates his body as it is: a temple capable of achieving amazing things. Things that go from adventure sports to taking care of a magnificent vegetable garden. And, of course, getting in front of the camera for Noel Alejandro’s latest film, Apartment 52. In this interview, we get to know more about Jorge, his views on sex and nudity, and his intimate experience filming with his co-star, Bast.

Your Just for Fans bio says you’re a “model, vegetable gardener, cook, outdoor and winter sports enthusiast…”. That sounds like a lot! Are there any other activities you’d like to add to that list?

I have a large vegetable garden in Lisbon where I cultivate more than 30 kinds of vegetables, all year round. It requires several hours a week. The best part of growing my own veggies is cooking amazing meals with them for my family and friends. 

Aside from the snowboarding, I’m crazy for water sports… the real water sports that is (although I do love the “other” water sports!). I grew up being a champion swimmer, so living in the seaside town of Lisbon is perfect for long days at the beach, swimming and playing in the ocean till the sun sets, and surfing any day of the year. There’s something magical about just sitting on the board, feet dangling, looking back the shore so far away, fish below, birds flying overhead, the warmth of the sun beating down on my neck… Nothing matters then. It’s so peaceful. And then the thrill of catching a wave and riding it.

I love any activity that makes me feel like I’m flying… I guess I’m a bit of an adrenaline junkie. Since I was a small kid, I loved jumping off heights. And to this day, even at 62, I won’t hesitate to dive off a 20 meter cliff or grab some air or jump in the snowboard park.

You seem to travel a lot, is it something you enjoy?

I love traveling, especially to the beaten path places. My grandmother taught me that I should see as much of the world as possible, learn as many languages as I could, and to take whatever risks I safely could. By the time I was 50, I’d already flown over 6 million miles around the world. I’m also fascinated with everything related to languages, from their origin to the regional differences. My grandmother spoke seven languages fluently. My grandfather, six. It was in my DNA to absorb languages easily.

I’m also an avid collector of all things cartographic. I have an extensive collection of globes in my office, framed maps and atlases from different countries, languages and centuries. It’s amazing to see how the world has changed through time… the borders, the occupations of land, the names, the politics of it all.

What about sex? Does it play an important role in your life?

I love sex. All kinds of sex… with men, women, cis or trans. I embraced my sexuality and figured out the power of sex at a very young age. I’ve never been ashamed of sex, and have always believed in having as much of it, as often as possible with as many different kinds of people as possible. Sex has always been my greatest curiosity, my best teacher of human behavior, the ultimate form of connection, and the way that I can best express myself. I don’t hold back on sex at all. I do what I feel, and just let it go … go with the flow. When I cum/orgasm… I really explode. It’s a spiritual moment for me. When I feel totally connected to the universe. I scream uncontrollably, I wail, my body goes into shakes and contortions, eyes roll back in my head, and I can even cry. And I want the person who I’m with to experience it too, or at least to see that it’s possible and maybe that will help them enjoy sex more, to feel more free, to understand how pleasurable it can be.

“Sex has always been my greatest curiosity, my best teacher of human behavior, the ultimate form of connection, and the way that I can best express myself.”

So I’m assuming you don’t like boxing yourself in a certain role?

When someone asks me, “top or bottom?” I say “everything”. I am whatever I feel like at that moment, with whoever I am with. How I have sex, it always depends on the situation, the vibe. To be “typed” into one or the other is so limiting, so boring to me, it’s an act of submission to societal norms, and I see that person as unable to explore new things and experiences, inflexible… and totally unattractive to me. I actually abhor the terms top and bottom, even though I know and understand they serve a purpose in language and communication.

In a society where the goal is to look as young as possible, you embrace your age and natural looks. Has that hindered your career, or does it work in your favor to distinguish yourself from the norm?

I do embrace my age, and I’m very content with my looks, I don’t try to change or alter them. I’ve always taken great pride in keeping fit for the sake of just feeling good, and being able to enjoy the sports that I do. It didn’t hit me until my mid 50’s that I looked so much younger than most of my friends, and that this was something that I could capitalize on. Especially when I grew a beard. Suddenly, I had this whole new persona that I really embraced. I got signed with a big modeling agency in NYC and started getting a lot of work, one campaign after another. 

I’ll never forget my first underwear campaign with a top US brand, they’d never before used anyone near my age. The campaign was hugely successful. Several more followed, including magazine editorials and covers. Soon after, a German magazine put me on their cover… naked! This was when I finally felt confirmed that society is beginning to look at older, fit guys as equally as hot and sexy as younger men.

The “older but looking younger and fit” was never a hindrance until I moved to Portugal, where I felt like brands and clients didn’t know what to do with me because my looks don’t seem to match my age, so I rarely get cast anymore for fashion jobs or commercials. As progressive as Europe is compared to the US, they still have a mindset of what 60 is supposed to be/look like. And when I go for the age group of 40-50, they see my age and say “no”.

Do you create your own content on your Just for Fans account?

I do create my own content on my JFF page, but often with the help of professional photographers who I’ve worked with before, who are friends and who get my aesthetic and “brand”, if you will. When I started my page, a few months ago, I already had some decent content from previous photo shoots. I will shoot some of my own content, but it all vibes with the aesthetic that is professionally shot. And I’m a good enough photographer, know enough about light, angles, etc. to take some pretty good photos of myself.

And how was the experience being directed by Noel?

It was a dream come true. From the very beginning, when Noel contacted me and proposed the project to me, I knew that he was a class act, a visionary who has very specific ideas about what he wants to create. He knew me from Instagram and how I very openly, and unapologetically display to the world what I’m about, who I am. I felt so honored that he “got me” enough to believe that I could be the right guy for his film. I have great admiration for his selection process, his perfectionism, and how he described everything so clearly to me. Especially since I’d never done anything like this before. 

The way that Noel cared about me, getting me excited to work on the film and how he cares about his entire team… I was blown away, and kept pinching myself, saying “I cannot believe I’m doing this, and that it’s all so polished, so tight, so impeccably produced”. I saw and felt the respect that he commands, and how everyone gives their absolute best so that Noel can create the art that he wants to, and believes in. And at the same time, I felt like everyone was family. I was so welcome, and treated with such respect and dignity. During the sex scenes, which are so intense and deeply personal for me—as I give all of myself to whatever I’m doing—Noel made sure that only a handful of the most necessary staff were present, allowing us full freedom to express ourselves without any inhibitions.

“The way that Noel cared about me, getting me excited to work on the film and how he cares about his entire team… I was blown away.”

Did you feel at ease filming the intimate scenes?

Noel made sure that both Bast and I were exactly on the same page, psychologically and emotionally. He prepared us so well by literally choosing the perfect two people with the perfect chemistry, so that he only had to give us some guidelines and tips, but mostly… he let us be us. I felt that Noel knew me so intimately, on a cellular level, and prepared me so thoroughly about how I should perform, how the scenes should be, that I was able to channel my character naturally. Noel is an amazing director, a story teller. I loved working with him, and getting to know him through the process. I felt like I made a good friend. He was always so honest and clear about what he wanted to get across, that it was very easy for me to want to help him get there. 

I was surprisingly impressed by the organization of the production, the scheduling, the coaches for lines, the way he managed everyone on his staff so that it ran so smoothly. It was tight, baby! Real tight. I loved being part of the process.

Were you familiar with Noel’s work prior to working with him?

Yes, I was. I’d followed him on Instagram for a while. I’m friends with another filmmaker, Antonio Da Silva (who I’ve also worked with and who knows Noel), and he encouraged me to work with him. Also, one of my friends and professional colleagues from the fashion model world when I lived in NYC, Brandon Jones, starred in one of Noel’s previous films. Brandon is a perfectionist, a dreamer, a visionary, a creative of the highest caliber. So I knew that if he chose to work with Noel, Noel must be all that. So this collab sealed it for me that I had to do this, no matter what.

What do you like most about Noel’s films?

He takes male sexuality and makes it accessible, gives it humanity, feeling, emotion. He turns it into the poetry that sex can be. It’s porn… but not really. It’s porn with heart, soul, a story. It provokes deep thought and emotions, it forces us to look at ourselves in ways we normally wouldn’t. And that’s not easy. It’s pure art. It shows sex as something beautiful, intimate and authentic. The way real men have sex, with passion, grit, intention, integrity and purpose. His work is accessible in a way that we can all relate to it, whether we’ve been there before, or whether we aspire to have sex like that. Because it’s real, it’s human, it’s cellular. 

What makes it different from conventional porn?

I’m so sick of conventional porn because I can’t relate to it, nor do I find anything sexy about it. I have nothing in common with it. It’s all mechanical, thoughtless, emotionless, fake, not inspirational at all. It usually makes me feel bad. I’m a person who wants to feel everything, to relate to what I’m seeing, to fantasize about it, to grow and learn from it. I see a lot of myself in all of Noel’s films, in his characters. And that makes me comfortable, it makes me feel good about myself, it validates me as “normal”, if you know what I mean. It makes me feel good about my place in the world, it makes me feel good about my relationship with sex.

The way that Noel’s work makes us feel this way is through his extraordinary filmmaking. His work is incredibly cinematic, so visually stunning that I can’t take my eyes off it. It’s poetic. Every frame counts, every angle he uses, how he plays with and utilizes light, color, and space. How the shots are edited, the closeups, the pans, all of it together is just stunning art. I like to describe his work as a Caravaggio painting come to life. He fucking knows how to shoot sex and make it so damn beautiful. He makes it look like what I am actually feeling myself during the act of it. He knows how to capture the emotion, so that we feel what the characters are feeling. The music/score he chooses, and the sound design both add so much to his storytelling. As a professional post-producer myself, these elements of a narrative are very important. Noel is always spot-on. 

And what was it like filming with Bast?

Oh, wow, Bast made it for me. Working with him was effortless, and the most amazing experience. We had such a deep connection, as though we’d known each other all our lives. Making love with him was truly… making love. There was no acting, it was real. Noel matched us very well. Before we met, we had intense conversations, we really got to know each other intimately. And turns out, we both feel exactly the same about sex, what we like, how we approach it. We were two peas in a pod. We understood each other so well, and that rarely happens, that I meet someone who looks at the world the same way I do.

“When I cum… I really explode. It’s a spiritual moment for me. I scream uncontrollably, my body shakes, eyes roll back… I can even cry.”

What did you like most about Bast?

When we finally met in Barcelona, it was like meeting my best friend, my lover, my brother, my soulmate. I know that sounds ridiculous… but that’s how I felt. Not to mention that physically, Bast is such a sexy, beautiful man. I got a boner instantly when we met in person. A raging hard-on. We kept smiling and teasing each other. He was as adorable in person as he was in long distance conversation. His eyes pulled me in deep. Deep dark brown pools that I drown in. We looked at each other, and a very special kind of love was there. A feeling that we both knew we would be able to project together on screen because we both felt that super-charged electricity. We already knew each other. On the set, nothing existed but the two of us. Making love with Bast was as pure as it gets. He trusted me and I trusted him. We were one, neither of us held anything back. 

So was it overall an enjoyable experience?

After about three hours of full on sex, doing everything you could imagine, in every position, sweating galore, tossing each other around, fucking each other, sucking, licking, kissing so intimately, spitting in each other, really experiencing every touch, every orifice… we were definitely exhausted, but so genuinely filled with pure ecstasy. Noel came over and said, “we are on a tight schedule, and as much as you’re enjoying this, we really need you to cum, to climax”. We went on the terrace, chilled and smoked a joint, cuddled up, kissed, and looked at each other like… let’s get this, no problem. We went back to the set and just zeroed in on each other, as if no one else in the world existed. We had the connection and the power to give Noel exactly what he wanted. It was fucking mind-blowing. One of the most amazing climaxes I’ve ever had. And we came together. It was absolutely beautiful. Bast is an amazing human being, who gives everything of himself to what he’s doing. An artist who doesn’t compromise. I love him. I would work with him again, and again, and again, if given the chance.

Has naturism always been a part of your life, or was there a turning point in your life where you stopped worrying about other people’s view of your body?

It’s always been a part of my life, since I was a small child. I spent a lot of time with my grandparents and they were very free with nudity in the house. They would change in front of me, be naked in the house. There was never any shame of the body. When you get this from your family at such a young age, it’s ingrained in you that the body is beautiful, every kind of body. When I would visit them in Miami, I would always walk over to the naturist part of the beach and I would sneak into the palm forests where people were having sex, and I would watch in awe. At about 14, I started participating with them. Yep, 14. I’ve always been very free about nudity, and sex.

What can your followers expect to see from you in the near future?

I just started my Just For Fans page last fall. So I hope to ramp that up and get much more expressive with it. I also hope to do a lot more film work. It’s important for me that society sees people my age in positive roles, enjoying and having fulfilling sex lives. I’d like to be part of film productions that encourage more of this, that normalize all age groups and all kinds, sizes, types of people. Because that is the world. That is humanity. I love sex with women as well, and my favorite kind of sex is with trans men. When I discovered it, I was like “fuck, what have I been waiting for!”. I would like to be involved in films where I get to do more of this. I want to keep pushing the boundaries of what people expect me to do.

Do you have any advice to people of all ages who think that the ultimate goal is to look as young as they can afford?

Do what makes you happy and what makes you feel better about yourself. It’s not about how you think others look at you, how you think others judge you. If you’re doing it for them, that leaves you empty inside. I’ve never done stuff like steroids, or plumpers, or fillers, or augmentations. But that’s not to say that it’s wrong, it’s just not for me, because I’m happy the way that I am. Look… my body is changing quickly, right before my eyes. It’s not what it was at 50 or 55 (when I felt at my prime). But It’s natural. And I’ve embraced it. It’s me. I also have several large scars all over my body from surgeries. I love these scars. They set me apart from all the perfect bodies. They tell my story, what I am. What I’ve been through. They’ve given me courage and confidence. 

Maybe there will come a time when I think something might make me feel better about myself, and I might want to try something. I don’t know. It’s all about how you feel about yourself. And if it makes you feel better, more complete, then do it. I just try to live as healthy a life as possible. To listen to my body. I feed it well, good things. It’s my temple. It houses my brain, my mind, and I want to keep using it as long as I can. I love pleasure, a lot . But I also know that there’s a balance. And that if I want to keep having fun, I just need to take care of myself too. Know where to draw the line. You can have it all.

Trust me.

Know more about Jorge Alberto here

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